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Plate movements not only control the distributions of. Wwwiriseduearthquake for more animationsLithospheric plates are part of a planetary scale thermal convection system.

A Science Odyssey You Try It Plate Tectonics Intro

Transform BoundaryThis occurs when two plates slide past one another.

What drives the movement of tectonic plates. Both provide dramatic evidence of plate tectonics in the form of volcanoes and earthquakes. Mid-ocean ridges are the gaps that lie between the plates much like the seams on a. Plate tectonics was founded in the late 1960s and it concerns the distribution and movements of plates the uppermost layer of the Earth.

One theory is that convection within the Earths mantle pushes the plates in much the same way that air heated by your body rises upward and is deflected sideways when it reaches the ceiling. In places where convection currents rise up towards the crusts surface tectonic plates move away from each other in a process known as seafloor spreading Fig. Those created by the plates themselves and those involving interactions with the mantle below.

Convection refers to specific cells within the Earths mantle that create heat. Convection current- warm mantle currents drive and carry plates of lithosphere along a like a conveyor belt. The movement of the plate tectonic boundaries can be classified as follows.

The convection drive plates tectonics through a combination of pushing and spreading apart at r idges and pulling and sinking downward at fault lines where these different plate tectonic meet. The plate tectonics theory suggests that the outer shell of the Earths surface is split into a few plates that move along the mantle forming a hard shell with pressure from mid-ocean ridges and subduction zones causing the shifting in the plates. The basal traction force imparted on the base of the lithosphere is the least important force in driving tectonic plates.

Slab pull is the most relevant force that affects the movement of tectonic plates. Convection currents beneath the plates move the crustal plates in different directions. The currents move the tectonic plates in the crust.

This is marked by the famous San Andreas Fault. The mechanism by which tectonic plates move is still a subject of much debate among Earth scientists. Early textbooks showed mantle convection cells like in a beaker of hot liquid on a Bunsen burner pushing plates along from below.

The buoyancy force is radial driving the flow upward or downward with viscous stresses expressing resistance or drag. The source of heat driving the convection currents is radioactivity deep in the Earths mantle. Tectonic plates are large pieces of the Earths crust and its topmost mantle.

The heat makes the solid rocks move upwards while the colder rocks move downwards. What Drives Plate Tectonics. The energy source for plate tectonics is Earths internal heat while the forces moving the plates are the ridge push and slab pull gravity forces.

Hot material near the Earths core rises and colder mantle rock sinks. The forces of slab-pull and ridge-push are the dominant forces particularly slab-pull and do the plates essentially drive themselves thanks to gravity. It was once thought that mantle convection could drive plate motions.

Plate tectonics study guide 1. Worksheets are unit earth and space science plate tectonics fifth grade plate tectonics plate tectonics plate tectonics work activityworld map of plate boundaries science understanding strand year 9 earth space sciences work the movement of tectonic plates chapter 8 plate tectonics. The Earth is dynamic thanks to its internal heat which comes from deep within the mantle from the breakdown of radioactive isotopes.

In this session we investigate how these phenomena are connected to the movement of plates. Convection currents drive the movement of Earths rigid tectonic plates in the planets fluid molten mantle. One example is the Pacific plate sliding northwest relative to the North American plate.

In the framework of continuum mechanics forces are expressed locally. As we examine what happens at and between plate boundaries our focus shifts to the mechanisms deep within the Earth that drive what we observe at its surface. However there are number of competing theories that attempt to explain what drives the movement of tectonic plates.

The Earths surface is covered by a series of crustal plates. Three of the forces that have been proposed as the main drivers of tectonic plate movement are. Plate tectonics requires plates to be rigid and deform at the edges they are strong enough that a force acting on one part of the plate pushes the entire plate.

The driving force behind plate tectonics is convection in the mantle. Hot magma rises to the crusts surface cracks develop in the ocean floor and the magma pushes. For a deeper discussion of plate-driving mechanisms see Plate-driving mechanisms and the role of the mantle.

The energy source for plate tectonic. There are broadly two sets of forces that move the earths plates. The process of plate tectonics may be driven by convection in Earths mantle the pull of heavy old pieces of crust into the mantle or some combination of both.

The ocean floors are continually moving spreading from the center sinking at the edges and being regenerated.