Baseline Knowledge Trivia

The Congo Genocide also known as the rubber terror was the time when Belgiumball went to Congo and gained materials and supplies by having millions of Congolese slaves then murdering them for his own personal benefit and pleasure. The Belgian government actually apologized to the Congolese people for our involvement in the assassination of Lumumba The first president of Congo after his independence and we also apologized for our responsibility of the genocide in Rwanda As a reaction to the murder of 10 Belgian soldiers we withdraw our troops.

The Belgians Under Orders Of King Leopold Ii Hung Thousands Of Congolese Citizens King Leopold Belgian Congo African History

By 1996 following the Rwandan Civil War and genocide and the ascension of a Tutsi-led government in Rwanda Rwandan Hutu militia forces Interahamwe fled to eastern Zaire and used refugee camps as a base for incursions against Rwanda.

The belgian congo genocide. The Congolese horror ended when international outrage compelled the Belgian state to take control of the colony in 1908. The Belgian Congo was directly involved in the two world wars. Administration of the Belgian Congo Leopold IIs reign in the Congo became an international scandal due to large-scale mistreatment of the indigenous peoples including frequent mutilation and murder of men women and children to enforce rubber production quotas.

From 1885 to 1908 Belgian King Leopold II took control of the Congo. Sat 23 Nov 2019 1035 EST 1735 In the last years of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th King Leopold II of Belgium ruled the Congo Free State with a tyranny that was peculiarly brutal even. By 1908 the territory was so poorly managed that an international furor condemning Leopold had erupted.

Belgium in the Congo Genocide - YouTube. In the 23 years 1885-1908 Leopold II ruled the Congo he massacred 10 million Africans by cutting off their hands and genitals flogging them to. From 1885 to 1908 loot flowed endlessly from the dark interior of the jungle up the river Congo and into colonial Belgium.

10 Horrifying Facts About The Genocide In The Congo Free State. The Belgian Congo is often cited as one of the most brutal and exploitative colonial regimes in modern history. The Congo Free State was a corporate state in Central Africa privately owned by King Leopold II of Belgium founded and recognized by the Berlin Conference of 1885.

During World War I 19141918. This area was known as the Congo Free State and in 1908 the Belgian government formally took over the area. Shortly after that event the genocide started costing the lives of 800000 Tutsis.

It stands as an extreme example of the cruelty of. They allied with the Zairian. If playback doesnt begin shortly try.

Estimates of deaths in. Belgium in the Congo Genocide. Belgium then administered the Congo as a colony until independence in 1960.

The Free State of the Congo a hidden history of genocide The Berlin Conference 1884 1885 recognised the sovereignty of King Leopold II of Belgium over the Free State of the Congo. A popular claim floating around the internet is that King Leopold II between the years 1885 and 1908 when he ruled the area of the modern Democratic Republic of Congo killed 10 million people. That same year in an attempt to stem this furor the Congo was ceded to Belgium and placed under the control of the Belgian government not its king.

The king governed the territory until 1908 when it passed into the hands of the Belgian state. Estimates for the number of people killed range between two and 15 million easily putting Leopold in the top ten of historys mass murderers. When he died in 1909 the kings funeral cortege was booed.

The historic and tragic event led to Belgiumball leaving the Democratic Republic of the Congo in exile in Belgium and. He turned the nation into a moneymaking machine by farming ivory and rubber and building a fortune on the labor of the people who lived there. The forgotten Genocide-Belgian Congo.

Things quickly got out of control. Belgiums King Leopold Forgotten Congo Genocide Under the reign of terror instituted by King Leopold II of Belgium who ran the Congo Free State as his personal fief from 1885 to 1908 the population of the Congo was reduced by half with some estimates suggesting that as many as 10 million Congolese lost their lives.